• How to Combat Increasing Gas Prices

    How to Combat Increasing Gas Prices,ERMV

        Gas prices are on the rise and those of us driving have noticed the significant dent in our wallets.  But we’ve got to keep moving and driving and getting where we need to go whether or not fuel prices increase.  So here are some tips to help keep your gas budget in check.   1) Discount memberships  Warehouse stores such as Sam’s Club and Costco offer significant discounts on gas prices, typically 20-30 cents cheaper than the average gas station.  They additionally have extra discounts on if you upgrade your membership or have a credit card through them. 2) Grocery Store Fuel Points Many grocery stores have free membership programs that allow you to earn points on your purchases for discounts on gas. Typically for every $100 spent on groceries you can earn 10 cents off per gallon. Depending on your grocery bill that can be some significant savings. 3) Gas Apps There are a handful of free apps available that can help out with finding the cheapest gas near you and offer discount rewards as well.  Check your app store and find the right one (or two, or all) that fits your needs. 4) Vehicle Maintenance Performing routine maintenance on your car or truck will keep it working as efficiently as possible and keep your gas mileage from going down. Keeping your tires filled to the correct air levels and rotating them on time will also add to your fuel efficiency. 5) Drive Sensibly  Driving the speed limit and accelerating slowly will maximize your vehicle's fuel efficiency. Combine lots of short trips into one planned out route to shorten the miles you drive. Travel light. The heavier your vehicle is the less fuel efficient it will be, so remove any unnecessary items that you may be lugging around. Avoid excessive idling.  Leaving your car running uses more fuel than restarting it. 6) Ride-Share We used to call it Carpooling but the concept and results are still the same, more people sharing the fuel cost to lessen the financial burden of filling your tank. 7) Bike or Bus If you live in a city or community that has great public transportation utilize it to your advantage.  The cost of the bus is typically less than the current cost of a gallon of gas. Human powered transportation is a great alternative to filling up your tank especially for short trips within your neighborhood. 8) Move Closer to Where You Work Shortening your commute to work, school, or your daily activities will definitely save you dollars in fuel costs.  Moving closer to the thing that you do will not only save money but also save you time in your daily commute.  Plus living closer to work may allow you to bike or use public transportation instead of driving to save you more. The sticker shock of current gas prices may have your jaw dropping, but being proactive in your approach to saving on fuel and maximizing your car’s efficiency will hopefully curb your gas price anxiety. If you are thinking about buying a home to suit you current needs we would love to talk to you about your goals. Colorado Springs Real Estate - EXIT Realty Mountain View, Brandy Brown Employing Broker/Owner - We help home buyers and sellers along Colorado’s Front Range including Colorado Springs, Pueblo West, Woodland Park, Fountain, and Peyton. Please contact EXIT Realty Mountain View at 719.375.3864 to connect with one of the amazing brokers on our team.“Your dream is our mission.”

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  • Building Wealth Through Homeownership

    Building Wealth Through Homeownership,ERMV

      Homeownership is the greatest source of wealth for American Families, the median value of a primary residence is worth approximately 10 times the value of other financial assets.* On average homeowners who sell their home typically stay in that home for 7 to 10 years. Nationally, according to the association of RealtorsⓇ, someone who purchased a home 10 years ago at the national median sales price of $169,000 is very likely to accumulate $225,000 in home equity if sold at the national 3rd quarter 2021 median sales prices of $363,100.. Home equity gains in the Colorado Springs Area over the last 10 years have exceeded the national median gain of $225,000. See table below.     Property is a good investment to build wealth because generally the value of property steadily increases year after year at about 5% to 7%.  The demand for homes in the Colorado Springs area over the last 2 years has home values increasing at about 10% to almost 20% per year. The Colorado Springs Area home values are going to continue to increase at a steady rate, making buying a home in the Colorado Springs Area a great investment whether you live in it for just a couple of years or stay 10 or more.   If you are a homeowner and would like to see how much equity you have gained in your home, check out our home valuation tool. Homeownership is about more than just putting a roof over your head, homeownership is an investment in you and your family’s future wealth.   Colorado Springs Real Estate - EXIT Realty Mountain View, Brandy Brown Employing Broker/Owner - We help home buyers and sellers along Colorado’s Front Range including Colorado Springs, Pueblo West, Woodland Park, Fountain, and Peyton. Please contact EXIT Realty Mountain View at 719.375.3864 to connect with one of the amazing brokers on our team.“Your dream is our mission.”     *Federal Reserve Board, Survey of Consumer Finances, 2019

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  • Have a Healthy Fall!!

    Have a Healthy Fall!!,ERMV

      Shorter, cooler days are already here, and the changing of the seasons can wreak havoc on the body and mind.  Don’t let the Autumn slump get to you!  EXIT Realty Mountain View has a few ideas of how to keep yourself in tip-top shape for the colder days ahead. Let’s Talk About Light With the sun setting earlier and the sun rising later, your circadian rhythm can be thrown off in the fall.  Try maintaining a sleep schedule with the same bedtime and rise time every day. Also with the decline of daylight hours comes vitamin D deficiency,  think about taking a supplement or eating more foods with vitamin D. Drink  Up As the temperatures drop your body may lose as much fluid as you might in hotter temperatures due to the high rates of energy used in colder climates.  Keeping yourself hydrated when the weather cools down will help with dry skin, dry eyes, chapped lips, and scratchy throats. Seasonal Munchies Fall being harvest time there are so many in season fruits and vegetables to get into your body to promote good health in a tumultuous season.  Brussel sprouts, squash, apples, pears, cranberries, turnips, carrots are all in season produce that are packed with antioxidants to boost your immune system. Wash Up Fall is the official start to the cold and flu season and the best way to prevent the spread of illness is to wash your hands.  It’s that easy.  Wash your hands often for the recommended 20 seconds and use hand sanitizer between washings to keep yourself and others protected. Check Up Time Now is the time to set up your annual check up with your primary care provider.  Get your bloodwork and all the tests done in this calendar year to maximize your healthcare benefits.  Same goes for the dentist too. Stay on top of your health this fall, eat right, get your vitamin D, and wash those hands.  You can get through the changing of the seasons without missing a beat (or work). Colorado Springs Real Estate - EXIT Realty Mountain View, Brandy Brown Employing Broker/Owner - We help home buyers and sellers along Colorado’s Front Range including Colorado Springs, Pueblo West, Woodland Park, Fountain, and Peyton. Please contact EXIT Realty Mountain View at 719.375.3864 to connect with one of the amazing brokers on our team.“Your dream is our mission.”

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  • 7 Smart Financial Tips For New Homeowners

    7 Smart Financial Tips For New Homeowners,ERMV

      Becoming a first time homeowner is extremely exciting and satisfying, and getting caught up in all that excitement is a wonderful feeling.  But there are important decisions to consider after the purchase of your new home that can set you up for financial success down the road.  Following these tips early in your home owning experience can save you time, money, and effort. Don’t Overspend to Personalize Your New Home It is tempting to fill your new home with brand new pretty furniture or take on that kitchen remodel right away, but hold off for now.  You’ve just spent most (if not all) of your savings on closing costs, a down payment, moving expenses, etc…, take some time to rebuild your savings and get used to the new expenses that come with home ownership. Purchase a Home Warranty There is nothing worse than moving into your new home and having to put more money into it in the first year when appliances break, or (god forbid) the water heater goes out.  There are things in your home that can and will fail without warning that are covered by home warranties.  Protecting yourself with a home warranty means you won’t have to pay out of pocket for appliances that may cost thousands of dollars.  Home warranties typically cost from $300 to $600 per year, a bargain considering the replacement cost of items covered. Don’t Ignore Home Maintenance One of your new expenses that come with homeownership is maintenance and repairs.  No landlord to call, it’s on you now to take care of business. Neglecting small problems will lead to bigger, costlier ones in your home over time.   Hire Qualified Contractors While there’s a lot a handy person can do in their home with some tools and a YouTube video, don’t make repairs that you aren’t qualified to do.  Know your limitations and hire qualified professionals.  Hire contractors with good reputations and reviews, and do your research before you hire. If you invest in quality repairs you will see a return on your investment. Keep Receipts and Invoices for Home Improvements When you go to sell your home having receipts for improvements made to the home not only looks good to potential buyers it helps with tax exemptions as well.  You are allowed to earn up to $250,000 tax free from the sale of your home ($500,000 for a married couple), being able to prove you have invested in improvements to your home may save you from handing too much cash over to the IRS upon the sale of your home. Get Tax Help As a new homeowner your taxes just got a little more complicated. Homeownership significantly changes most peoples tax situation and their eligible deductions.  You could still do your taxes yourself but investing a little money in a qualified CPA ensures that your taxes get done correctly and will maximize your refund.   Get Properly Insured Your mortgage company requires you to purchase a homeowner’s insurance policy on your new home, but how much coverage? What kind of deductible? Get advice and quotes from local insurance agents; they’ll be able to tell you what coverage you need for your area and they can personalize your policy to fit you and your home’s needs.  Going with a local agent is also nice when things do go wrong because they offer a more personalized experience.  Additionally you may want to consider other insurance policies such as life and disability to protect yourself and loved ones from possibly losing their home. The freedom of homeownership also can come with significant responsibilities as well.  In the first year of owning your home it’s important to take hold of your financial situation to ensure your new investment is protected. Following these financial tips as a new homeowner will save you money and stress down the road.  Congratulations homeowner you’ve just made the best investment of your life! Colorado Springs Real Estate - EXIT Realty Mountain View, Brandy Brown Employing Broker/Owner - We help home buyers and sellers along Colorado’s Front Range including Colorado Springs, Pueblo West, Woodland Park, Fountain, and Peyton. Please contact EXIT Realty Mountain View at 719.375.3864 to connect with one of the amazing brokers on our team.“Your dream is our mission.”

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  • #WealthfulWednesday – Eat Health, Save Money

    #WealthfulWednesday – Eat Health, Save Money,EXIT Realty Mountain View

    Here at EXIT Realty Mountain View, we know eating healthy can be expensive; organic foods, whole grains, and proteins all come at a premium today. It is a tough balance between putting dollars into your grocery cart while still trying to put money into your savings account.   If you’re trying to save for a home or other big expenditures, there is no need to sacrifice a healthy lifestyle to do so.  Check out these tips on how to fill your belly with nutritious food and your back account with extra $$. Stop Eating Out On occasion dining out is a fun experience, but many make it their go to for every meal and that expense adds up quickly.   Some restaurants claim to be healthier options but typically are not and can use lots of processed foods.  The best way to be in control of your healthy eating and your budget is to do for yourself. Plan Your Meals Take an hour a week and plan meals ahead.  Take a look at your local grocery store flyer and check out the sales for that week.  Plan your meals around the sales for the freshest ingredients at lower prices, every week different foods are always on sale so there is always variety to be had.  Stick to You Grocery List And don’t shop hungry!  The easiest way to veer off course at the grocery store is to be temped by all the goodies the pop out at us.  Make your list of healthy items and do not stray, be strong. Buy Store Brands Many grocery stores offer an organic “generic” or store brand that is usually much cheaper than name brands.  Many of these store brands are similar if not indeed the exact same product as the name brand but can save you a lot of money and have you eating healthier. Replace Meat with Other Proteins This one is hard for a lot of people, not everyone is into tofu.  But with the cost of meat on the rise consider taking meat out of one or two meals a week and replace it with beans, legumes, or eggs (a great cheap and healthy source of protein).  Frozen Over Fresh When produce it not in season it tends to be more costly.  Buying frozen fruits and veggies when fresh is not abundant and cheap can save money while still providing you with same nutrition. Plan ahead, budget accordingly, and fill your fridge and your pocketbook.  The next thing you know your health and financial goals will be more aligned and you will be a step closer to your dream home. Colorado Springs Real Estate – EXIT Realty Mountain View, Brandy Brown Employing Broker/Owner – We help home buyers and sellers along Colorado’s Front Range including Colorado Springs, Pueblo West, Woodland Park, Fountain, and Peyton. Please contact EXIT Realty Mountain View at 719.375.3864 to connect with one of the amazing brokers on our team.Your dream, our mission.

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  • #WealthfulWednesday – 5 Financial Tips to Finish Your Year

    #WealthfulWednesday – 5 Financial Tips to Finish Your Year,EXIT Realty Mountain View

    The last fiscal quarter to 2021 is coming up on us in September and in these last days of summer it may be hard to get focused on financial matters but now is a great time to reevaluate your yearly finances and financial goals then plan for the end of the year. We here at EXIT Realty Mountain View want to offer up a few tips to help get you started: Review you existing budget – Every quarter it’s a good idea to review and adjust your budget.  Life changes, adjust accordingly. Build up your emergency fund – If you don’t have six months of living expenses saved make plans in your budget to get there. Evaluate your retirement contributions – Are you putting enough into your retirement? Or do you need to readjust your contributions to meet other financial goals? Revisit your financial goals for 2021 – At the beginning of the year did you set goals of investing, saving, buying or selling a home?  Look at what you have achieved this year and what yet needs to be done. Plan for the Holidays – If you’re a big Christmas spender or if you plan to travel for the holidays now would be a great time to evaluate your budget and start saving for those extra expenditures. Take this opportunity to get your 2021 budget and financial goals in order and finish the year with less money stress. Colorado Springs Real Estate – EXIT Realty Mountain View, Brandy Brown Employing Broker/Owner – We help home buyers and sellers along Colorado’s Front Range including Colorado Springs, Pueblo West, Woodland Park, Fountain, and Peyton. Please contact EXIT Realty Mountain View at 719.375.3864 to connect with one of the amazing brokers on our team.Your dream, our mission.

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